It is just there waiting, because what you call a human being is still in the making. You are not yet a human being, you are a “human becoming.” You are not an absolute entity of being human. There is constant scope to make yourself into a better human being.
Kundalini energy remains dormant or in the state of potentiality for most of us, most of the time. When it is released, it propagates through our body, climbing up the spine. It is said that what we experience then is a “kundalini awakening.” During this activation, the energy goes up a channel called the “sushumna nadi” located along the spine, and passes through each chakra in a sequential order, from the lowest to the highest one. It is sometimes said that kundalini “pierces” the chakras in the process; let’s just say that its powerful force activates each energy center in an intense manner.
When this life force and energy awakens within your body, you are led to tap into the Universal consciousness and transcend the usual confines of time and space to reach higher states of spiritual development.
Kundalini awakenings may happen through a variety of methods. Many systems of yoga focus on awakening Kundalini through meditation, pranayama, the practice of asana and chanting of mantras. Meditation is one of the primary ways that Kundalini can awaken. However all traditions generally agree that it is dangerous to awaken Kundalini without the guidance of a Master.
Kundalini can also awaken as a result of trauma, illness, a near-death experience, in a dream, through Shaktipat (being awakening by a Guru), through mis-use of drugs, because of past-life awakenings or by having sex with someone who has an awakened Kundalini.
The point of the awakening is the true beginning of the journey back to God. It is the surrender of the ego-self to the Divine.
Often Kundalini Awakening is perceived as the realization, as it’s often accompanied with all kinds of mystical experiences like bliss, oneness, lights and pretty colours.
In reality however, Kundalini Awakening is only the beginning of the journey. Now that the sleeping Goddess is arising, the real work begins!
Once Kundalini Awakens, she purifies the body, mind and spirit as she rises to the crown. Traditionally, spiritual practice would clear the subtle body – or the psyche if you like – so that when Kundalini finally did awaken, it would be a smooth and easy transition from the root chakra to the crown chakra.